I would like to thank the team at vCloud Australia for putting my company at my fingertips. vCloud put my total network in the cloud, allowing me to have access to my network anywhere in the world from my tablet, my laptop and even my mobile phone. I can now bring up documents or diagrams and show my clients on-site from my tablet and alter them directly in front of them. I have access to my email in the cloud, emails are stored in one place and can be accessed from tablets, mobile phones and computers. My staff can enter their time sheets directly into my system online. What vCloud has done is taken the network to the next level. I now don’t need a bigger office any more, I can now hire people and just give them access to a virtual desktop and they are on their way.
When vCloud approached me and said that you can connect on literally any platform to your network in the cloud from anywhere in the world I didn’t believe them. But they were right. Great work vCloud Australia.